It's no secret that the past year has been hard on everyone. After lock down ended, many took the opportunity to escape to their favorite place: the beach. The much needed vacation was the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. We were so thrilled to have been able to facilitate so many memorable getaways, as many folks stayed with us in 2020.
Locally, for many, that vacation never came. As the Outer Banks bustled at historic levels this summer, so did the workers. Those who are behind the scenes making the magic happen, didn't necessarily get that relaxing getaway. With travel restrictions and the housing boom, the OBX missed out on 1,700 international J-1 students, and many employers faced the housing crunch. This left many understaffed during what was arguably the busiest season in OBX history.
These folks are backbone to what makes the OBX so special. They persevered and provided dedicated service. Without them, our community would simply crumble. We are so incredibly grateful for every last community member who has pitched and and held it down.
As we gear up for another season like lasts, we want to take a moment to recognize all our local workforce has done to get us through. This week, the First Flight Rotary pulled through with an amazing initiative: Thanks, Outer Banks week. During this week, dark pink will be sported throughout the beach as a sign of solidarity. Why dark pink? Well, this color is official color of gratitude.
Southern Shores Realty wants to reach out to thank every single person who make the Outer Banks such and amazing place. It truly takes a village, from housekeepers and maintenance workers, to clerks and truck drivers, to servers and dishwashers, to pharmacists and nurses, to teachers and custodians, the list truly goes on.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!