Posted on 3/17/2014
Spring Fling Party - Thanking Vacation Rental Homeowners

Do you rent your Outer Banks vacation home with Southern Shores Realty? Not only is our program the most straight forward, honest, and the best around town, but we also throw the beach's ONLYhomeowner appreciation party year after year! Now this isn't your average "You're invited to a blahdity blah luncheon" party. I'm talking BIG, boom, PAH - Massive party tent, Kelly's catered buffet lunch, libations, incredible giveaway prizes, activities for kids, local business product spotlights, and much much more! Now, you may ask yourself "Why do we have a Spring Fling?" To answer that first and foremost, we like fun! We are a tightly knit group here and any excuse to celebrate is generally taken advantage of full force. The other reason is, well, we LOVE our owners! Without all the amazing homeowners we work with and their lovely homes we wouldn't have the great business that we have today. We like to show appreciation, and Spring Fling hits the nail squarely on the head! The day kicks off with the signing in of all the confirmed guests and owners. As you can see by the photo, the turn out is quite impressive and the line typically starts wrapping around our building in no time. In 2013 almost 700 guests attended, some from as far away as Germany to attend! Once signed in, homeowners and their guests receive the latest and greatest Spring Fling T-Shirt and other cool SSROBX goodies! After registration is complete and freebies have been collected it's time to mingle! Besides the gourmet food, entertainment, and prizes to come, the rental property managementstaff hand picks select local businesses to showcase their products and services to Southern Shores Realty's homeowners. This is a wonderful opportunity as many of our homeowners actively engage in upgrading or remodeling their homes to fit the growing needs and desires of today's vacationers. The latest and greatest gizmos, gadgets, guest welcome gifts, home accents, and more are all available to see. Most of the time, the actual business owners attend the event and engage 1-on-1 with our homeowners. This is part of the event that is highly acclaimed by both the businesses and the homeowners as adding value to our rental program by keeping property owners "in the loop!" While engaging with local business representatives, homeowners are treated to a full day of raffle prizes and giveaways! This is one of the most popular parts of the party (no wonder) and traditionally features high end electronics, home furnishings, area gift certificates, and other prizes donated by local sponsors. Locally donated raffle prizes in the past have consisted of woodworks, beach-themed home accents, gift baskets, charter fishing trips, and more. The Spring Fling celebration also features many fun activities for the children that attend. Rita's Italian Ice is a traditional favorite stop, a face painting booth is set up all day, and local entertainer, DJ Magic Mike, has created balloon animals for all who want as well! The beauty of the day is that young or old, everyone enjoys their time and Southern Shores Realty gets to thank our entire family! The last element I haven't mentioned in depth yet is... the food! No Spring Fling would be complete without an all-day all you can eat catered treat. Preparing and serving up some of the finest grub on the OBX, Kelly's has catered the Spring Fling celebrations for as long as one can remember (I asked around).The bevy of delectable consumables stretches out over several tables and it becomes a hovering point for most of the day. Last year's lineup boasted authentic Eastern Carolina pulled pork BBQ, fish and grits, hot dogs, baked beans, world famous sweet potato biscuits, coleslaw, and southern fried chicken. Kelly's, hands down, has been a staple of excellence for Outer Banks cuisine since they day they opened. While the day holds many exiting parts, the buffet is always a highlight and talked about once the party is over! The 22nd annual Spring Fling celebration will be held on Saturday, April 19, 2014 and promises to be another fantastic time! Many new businesses will be represented, including those from our fantastic Guest Rewards program. Thank you for taking the time to read about this party that we throw for our homeowners. They are the lifeline of our business and we wouldn't be "The Outer Banks Expert" without them!Know someone who owns a rental home on the Outer Banks? Have them give us a call at 800.334.1000 for more information on joining our awesome rental program! Heck, if they join soon enough, they'll get the invitation to this year's Spring Fling as well!