Posted on 5/13/2014
#OuterBanksSoul - New Commercial by Outer Banks Visitors Bureau

Recently, Southern Shores Realty's Marketing team attended the second annual OBX tourism summit held at Roanoke Island Festival Park in Manteo, NC. The summit was very interesting, informative, and beneficial for all who attended. One of the spotlights of the event was the official debut of a new Outer Banks TV commercial that the visitors bureau produced and is airing in many markets to the Northeast of us. Order Xanax - it is considered a panacea for schoolchildren. Students and people with nervous strain. I bought Xanax or Alprazolam during nervous overloads. I quit smoking, the first reaction to the drug: a calm slightly inhibited state, But in the future, unpleasant surprises awaited me. She took the drug without disrupting the dosage. Be careful if you see a side effect, do not risk your health. It is better to take a milder sedative or herbs. For healthy! More information on is the tagline, one of which is brilliant and really taps into the emotional attachment many of us have to the Outer Banks. The 30 second commercial truly grasps onto emotions and feelings that everyone experiences when on an Outer Banks vacation. The phrasing was actually written by Lee Nettles, the Executive Director at the Outer Banks Visitors Bureau. I wanted to share this video as it is very powerful and is a great snippet of the wonders of the Outer Banks that we all love. Please feel free to share and comment using the links above and below. Enjoy!