Posted on 1/14/2013
Outer Banks to Host Beach Volleyball Pro Am at Jennette's Pier

The word is out! The Outer Banks Visitors Bureau and Jennette's Pier in Nags Head have teamed up, and are proudly on the schedule for the 2013 EVP(Extreme Volleyball Professionals) Pro Am Tour!Slated for August 24-25, 2013 the Outer Banks Pro Amwill take place on the wide, sandy beaches surrounding Jennette's Pier in Nags Head. The size of the beach, pier facilities, and ample parking make the pier an ideal location on the Outer Banks to host such an event. The OBX, as the islands have become known in nickname by fans of the area, are emerging as a competitive sports venue on the East Coast and were proud to share that energy and momentum with the EVP Tour, explains Lee Nettles, Executive Director of the Outer Banks Visitors Bureau. The EVP Beach Volleyball Tour is a high-profile national tour and was established to support beach volleyball events for families, athletes, students and local communities. Consisting of ten markets across the country these events supports not only regional athletes, but local as well. Interested in participating? Visit the EVP Tour Website or call 773.387.1198 for more information. If you can't make it in person, the Outer Banks Volleyball will air on television to an estimated 60 million viewers on the Beach Sports Network. Stay tuned for more updates as we get them!