Check out 2010's winning pumpkin! "THE HAMBURGER"
Posted on 10/28/2011

Is it really the end of October ALREADY? When you're at the beach having the time of your life, time sure does tend to fly by! We can't believe that Halloween is next Monday; although, our office is extremely excited to celebrate this FEARtastic holiday starting today! Southern Shores Realty's innovative staff has been very busy this week coming up with creative ways to decorate a pumpkin for our 2nd annual in-house pumpkin decorating contest.FAN'S FAVORITE PUMPKIN!Help us choose the most creative, creepy, or festive pumpkin by VOTING on our Facebook. "LIKE" your favorite pumpkin, and we will present the fans favorite pumpkin on Halloween at 3:00 p.m. We have excellent entries this year so jump right into our office festivities with us; we would love to know everyone's favorite! Which one catches your attention the most? Does any of them scare you? What pumpkin would you like to show off?You could even let the kids help you vote! They will love it.Southern Shores Realty wishes everyone a happy, and safe Halloweekend. Have fun putting together your 2011 costume! Also, feel free to share what everyone will be dressing up as with us down below by leaving a comment, or following up on Facebook. We hope you are as pumped as we are for Halloween! You know what comes after- turkeys, family time, lights, jingle bells, and more!Contest Rule:(No BOOing!)